Araho transfer

7 Fid Kennedy Avenue
Boston, MA 02210


seafood logistics

TRUCK carriers

NWD - OceanExpresss - Wanchese - ASL - OceanGatherers - Burnsed - BBX - Galway - Midland - Normans - REX - SeaCap - Sonny Peterson - Tidewater - Canobie - And more

AIRlines (when available)

Southwest - Delta - American - Sun Country

we also have transfer facilities in other cities

Miami - New York - DC - Seattle - LA

Payment, terms and claims


All customers are approved by our credit department and are assigned terms.

claims and Refunds

In order to make a claim, Binnacle must be notified in writing and with pictures withing 12 hours of receiving product. We operate under standard commercial Incoterms.

